Orıgın of musıcal notes

Orıgın of musıcal notes . Where ıts abbrevıatıon comes from?


Orıgın of musıcal notes  : The mystery of musıc and mathematıc.

Orıgın of musıcal notes

Pythagoras  (B.C 530-450) discovered a connection between Mathematic and music.  The mysteries of mathematic and music were first introduced by Pythagoras.

Pythagoras has created all the works in one discipline as arithmetic, geography, nature, music and of course astronomy, geometry, different branches of science.

Orıgın of musıcal notes  :  The mystery whıch was dıscovered by a chance.

There is a rumor about the mystery of music in mathematics, when Pythagoras passing through a blacksmith workshop, he heard voices come from blacksmith workshop.  He listened to these voices and kept the individual recordings master.

Forgotten musıc master pıeces/the world dıd not know the notes untıl the 9th century

The music to be performed is transferred to the next generation with master apprentice relation, so the notes could be forgotten for a long time.

The world did not know the notes until the 9th century.

Orıgın of musıcal notes

The first musical notes were found in the 9th century.

  1. Arezzio (Italian lecturer of poetry, gave lecture classes at the Pomposa Monastery, lived in 991 – 1052.) The system started with the exact determination of the sound rise A – B –  C  –  D  –  E  –  F  –  G.. The notes were determined precisely by the use of the portraine from the 5th line to the top, like the 11th century.

Musıc and 4 maın parameters.

Tune, Height, Violence, Time. Music is the 4 main parameters. Height and duration of some symbols can be written on paper. The tone, violence, beside the notes found with additional words. This is actually a situation that is open to interpretation.

Specıal names gıven for sounds.

The notes that represent the voices for not interfering with the voices have been given special names. As you know, A  – B –  C  –  D  –  E  –  F  –  G/ Do, re, mi, fa… As for Almancia: This situation has been solved with letters (see Carl Orff and Orff method).

Origin of musical notes

The use of musical notes, of course, was a tremendous advance in the music world. The repertoire was enriched, the memorization remained intact, the diversification became richer and the works were no longer forgotten.

The Roman philosopher Boethieus is the first person to design a name for the voices. The notes, A, B, C, are left on this time (which we call them, do, re, mi)

The formation of the nouns by their present state was carried out by Guido Arezzo, and these names were taken from a hymn (The first syllable of the hymn has been used).


Orıgın of musıcal notes




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