Magical plants ın legends

Magical plants  in legends and mythology.5


Magical plants

Magical plants

We separated the last part of articles  about plants which helps refresh mind, expel bad effects, negative energy. We will also talk about the plants that symbolize the ancient gods and how those who want to do magic use them (without going into too much detail).

To read the first part of the article, please click the link below.

These articles are just for information and quotes.  It describes the relationship of people to plants and trees for centuries. There is no guarantee of anything written below, and for me, this information is just the visible part of the iceberg. So you do not regard it as witchcraft. Personally, I do not care about the spells and I never encourage people to make spell. But it’s also true that people have used the plants and tree roots for a variety of purposes for centuries. We even mentioned that other parts of the articles are used in drug making and that good results are obtained in clinics.

So, let’s leave the magic part and let’s just look at plants and trees with different perspectives. Let’s treat trees and plants with respect for nature. This is actually the main purpose of this article. I do not have a mission to give anyone a magic recipe. We said that magic is people’s intentions. For this reason, I will ask you not to make irrelevant and malicious comments on the subject.

Magical plants  :

Magic, sorcery is the intention of people, you choose and God create your choice. That is the fate! Fate is not God choices for you.  Fate is : people’s choices . Bad or good choices are created by God and we call it is a fate. Fate is physical laws of the world…(gravity, freezing water, raining etc) Personal choices are not interested by God.

(Harut and Marut, the angels who teach magic), you can click on the following page to read what are we talking about

Magical plants

Magical plants  : Benzoın tree resıns. (Afrıcan horn/ Japan ıncence)

Magical plants  :   When combined with basil, peony, or cinnamon, it is believed that it will attract the money. The smelling stimulates the depths of the mind, the subconscious. Astral vision (projection) is used to increase mental strength. If it is burned in living as incense, evict the bad energies.

Incense: Magical plants

Incense-Magical plants Magical plants are symbol of Ancient Egyptian God RA. Incense and magical plants are burnt and this ceremony to eliminate of negative energies and provide protection against the evil forces.

It is also used for spiritual development of the person. Rosemary can be used as incense. It is believed to bring you luck. It is believed that resin incense gives courage to the person with the help of meditation. It uses blessings, healing, energy, vision, healing blessings.

Magical plants


Magical plants

It’s believed that Lavender attracts love, brings peace and healing. If the person have sleeping problems Lavender can  be putted under his/her pillow, he/she falls into a sleep without a hole. It is believed that lavender bring business and money luck.


Plant or tree. Knowledge of gods and evil spirits. Magicians believe this plant gives miracle of healing. Tree of life. Kiskanu was protected by good spirit and grows near Eridu.

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Magical plants

It is said to be used for purification and protection. Set on an altar to represent the earth element. In the rituals, salt water was mixed in a glass and it was believed that you protected this water from evil by sprinkling where you want to be in the circle.


 Fresh Red rose:

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Love and love pain can make people everything we guess. If someone pours red rose petals in the bathing water, ex-lover comes into mind. The leaves that were put into a red cloth bag caused the ex-lover to call you. It is also noted that the roses that you plant in the garden will attract fairies.


 Star aniseed plant:

Magical plants

Their shells are burned as incense. It is planted on top of the tombs as a plant of blessing and protection. The seeds are burned as incense to increase psychic powers, or seeds made as a necklace. It is placed on four sides of the platform to provide strength.



Cilantro seeds:

Magical plants

(Coriander oil: love and healing blends) Seeds especially cure headache. It is used for healing, and for this purpose the people are carried on them.



Magical plants

Its smelling increases the psychic powers that’s why it’s burned. It is known to be used for spirit calling, future vision, prophecy. Especially in the Samhain festival. Providing protection, exorcism, it is burned as incense.


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(The Samhain festival is a Celtic cultural festival known today as the Halloween holiday. It is celebrated every year on October 31, and at that time the curtain between the living and the dead is removed. Samhain (a kind of demon) comes out on the earth, resurrects the scales, animates the ghosts.

The masks, which are also worn in the feast of the witches, are worn by Samhain so that you do not recognize them. Samhian is deceived in this way and sugar is given to feed his stomach. Set aside the pumpkins in front of the houses to make sure that they are worshiped in that house so that they are not harmed. Candle burning in it is not put out for 3 days or it is believed that Samhain will destroy that house.)

Mythology, hıstory, thrıller and detectıve lovers:


If you like detective, thriller, mythology. If you are interested in angels, spells, ancient secrets and similar topics, if you are tired of reading certain stories. A very different novel awaits you;

The link to my book, which has a very different approach to magic and describes it within the framework of a fictional novel, is below.

The link below gives information about the book and is in English, but the original of this book is in Turkish for now, but it is waiting for someone to translate it into world languages. Who knows, maybe one day a magic will happen :)))

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At below you can check my Youtube channel videos.





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