mythology Archive

Importance of blood in ancıent hıstory.

Importance of blood in ancıent hıstory cıvılızatıons. Importance of blood in ancıent hıstory cıvılızatıons. Power of saliva, protection against spell of witches. Before importance of blood in ancient culture. We would like to say that saliva is so important too in ancient cultures. Today in China people still use power of saliva for protection against …

Importance of the fıre ın ancıent

Importance of the fıre ın ancıent culture  : Magıcal power of the fıre. Blood is so precious for ancient cultures. Especially Babylonians believe that source of life is in blood so that you can see their beliefs on their historical artifacts. They use some spells about blood in their incarnation rituals.   Importance of the …

Orıgın of musıcal notes

Orıgın of musıcal notes . Where ıts abbrevıatıon comes from?   Orıgın of musıcal notes  : The mystery of musıc and mathematıc. Pythagoras  (B.C 530-450) discovered a connection between Mathematic and music.  The mysteries of mathematic and music were first introduced by Pythagoras. Pythagoras has created all the works in one discipline as arithmetic, geography, …

İnsan evrimi : Yedinci Âlem.

İnsan evrimi   İnsan türünü yok edecek olan Yedinci Âlem. Dan Brown/kitap   Bu yazının ilk bölümü olan: ‘500 yıl sonrası insan zekâsı neye benzeyecek?  Dan Brown.’’ Başlıklı yazıya ulaşmak için alttaki bağlantıya girmenizi tavsiye ederiz. İnsan evrimi  50 Yıl sonra insan türü ortadan kalkacak. Şimdi devam edelim, bir önceki yazımızda insan türünün 50 yıl …
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