Gobeklıtepe : fırst temple:

Gobeklıtepe   The first temple, . Forget everythıng you know.

The first temple: The history of humanity is being rewritten. Forget everything you know;  the first temple of mankind.

Forget everything you know. Gobeklitepe, the first temple of mankind.

 During the archaeological work carried out in Gobeklitepe area, over one thousand human bones were found. Among these bones are pieces of skulls. Holes and some scars on the skulls are noteworthy. (Can Gobeklitepe, which is thought to be built as a religious area and temple, be an altar to which people are sacrificed at the same time?



18 km north-east of Sanlİurfa, Orencik village is home to Gobeklitepe. It was first discovered in 1963. The discovery was carried out with a project by Chicago and Istanbul Universities. Later work revealed the fact that it was a 1200-year-old temple



Gobeklitepe 9,600 – 7,300 The Neolithic Period was built on a hill with belonging to the Neolithic Period and many buildings were built. Professor Klaus Schmidt, with the support of the German Archaeological Institute, uncovered the archaeological site known as Gobeklitepe, the first temple in history. (Year: 1995) According to the obtained data: This area was not built as a residential area. The building was made for religious purposes. Not all of them have been taken to daylight yet.



The Göbekli tepe is home to the first temples belonging to the Stone Age and the columns are of T shape. The columns in this way surround the temple center.

Experts agree that these T-shaped columns, which are 3-6 meters tall, correspond to human figures. This is not such an opinion, of course. In the T-shaped columns, arm and hand embossing reinforce the belief that these are human representations. In addition, animal depictions and abstract symbols take attention.


The most common animal reliefs are: ducks, foxes, snakes, bulls, pigs. One of the most important reliefs is lion depicted in three-dimensional reliefs.




This place  has been able to survive for so long, almost without any damage, and for this reason it is a very surprising place for archaeologists, as well as a unique structure and first temple. In addition, why was the first temple of Göbekli Tepe buried thousands of years ago? An answer to this question has still not been found.




The weights of T-shaped columns are about 40-50 tons. Moving the columns of this weight using only simple hand tools and stitching it regularly is another mystery that surprises experts and yet has not been answered yet. It continues to be a mystery that continues to infect people’s minds. How did primitive people think of doing these things? The answer is still being searched.


Breakıng News about Gobeklıtepe.


During the archaeological work carried out in the area, over one thousand human bones were found. Among these bones are pieces of skulls. Holes and some scars on the skulls are noteworthy. (Can Göbeklitepe, which is thought to be built as a religious area and temple, be an altar to which people are sacrificed at the same time?

As a result of the investigations, it was declared that these skulls were the first to be carved.


cadılık2 - Gobeklıtepe : fırst temple:

‘The people skins out , the bones were carved with flint stone. Skin out was a rather hard work at that time. Obviously this was part of a special blessing.’

Expert J. Gresky from the German Archaeological Center interprets this as follows:

‘The process of carving and hanging skulls is either a process of reverence for their ancestors, or an intimidation to the enemies.  There is an ancient beliefs, If you eat and strong animals, its power  will be yours.’( maybe human?!)

If you lıke detectıve, thrıller, mythology.

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The link below gives information about the book and is in English, but the original of this book is in Turkish for now, but it is waiting for someone to translate it into world languages. Who knows, maybe one day a magic will happen :)))



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