What ıs cuneıform?

What ıs cuneıform? A hıstorıcal and ınterestıng cuneıform

What ıs cuneıform?

Six thousand years ago, people wrote on clay tablets that would fit in the palm of the hand and communicated.

ATTENTION!  At the end of the essay you will find a link that about Ishtar and her entering to underground. And Ishtar words you can hear in original language by London University professors.


What ıs cuneıform? A hıstorıcal and ınterestıng cuneıform

What ıs cuneıform?


Nowadays cell phones that we can live without there is similarity between cell phones and  clay tablets ancients ago. People used to use clay tablets to communicate. Clay tablets were communication material in Mesopotamia. They were used to use 6.000 years ago in Nowadays Iraq.

The epic of Gilgamesh, Hammurabi Laws, etc. were written on them.

Clay tablets are useful than Papyrus. Because Papyrus can destroy easily but on the contrary clay tablets were stronger than Papyrus.

After this information, let’s continue by deepening our essay entitled “What is cuneiform? A historical and interesting cuneiform “.

Cuneiform writing type was used by all nations thousand years ago. Cuneiform is made up of many signs, vertically-horizontally-diagonally and triangularly shaped.

Thanks to Cuneiform that the very important historical writings that shed light on history, the legends, the agreements have come to this day.

These texts were created by pressing on soft clay by means of reeds in triangular shape


 Who decıphered Cuneiform?

What ıs cuneıform?

What ıs cuneıform?    :G.F. Grotefend who was history teacher, first person tries to decipher cuneiforms. But cuneiform was deciphered by Henry Ravlinson (English military officer) in 1844

Henry Ravlinson deciphered cuneiform belongs to Persian King Darius. Behistun Cuneiforms were in high and dangerous cliffs near Kermanshah.

What ıs cuneıform?

Interestıng cuneiform belongs to Ishtar’s threatenıng words. ‘’ I wıll raıse up the dead so that they devour the lıvıng,’’

What is cuneiform? A historical and interesting cuneiform

This cuneiform tells a story about entering of  Ištar’s Descent to the Netherworld. . The threatening words of Ishtar.


Would you like to lısten to Ištar’s Descent to the Netherworld ın orıgınal language?

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You will find a link that about Ishtar and her entering to underground. And Ishtar words you can hear in original language by London University professors.


What ıs cuneıform? A hıstorıcal and ınterestıng cuneıform

Original                           English


atû mê petâ bābka      O gatekeeper! Open your gate for me,

petâ bābka-ma lūruba anāku    open your gate, that I may enter!

šumma lā tapattâ bābu lā erruba anāku       if you do not open the gate, that I may enter,

amahhaṣ daltum sikkūru ašabbir          I will break down the door, I will smash the bolt,

amahhaṣ sippū-ma ušbalakkat dalāti I will break down the frame, I will topple the doors.

ašabbir gišrinam-ma aša[hhaṭ k]arra  I will break the …, I will te[ar off the kn]ob.

ušellâ mītūti ikkalū balṭūti       I will raise up the dead so that they devour the living,

eli balṭūti ima’’idū mītūti   and the dead will outnumber the living.’

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Would  you like to read about The Epic of Gilgamesh, new dıscovered missing lınes.  And would you like the listened to  Original sound of The epic of Gilgamesh? So click the link below pls.



Mythology, history, thriller and detective lovers:

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If you like detective, thriller, mythology. If you are interested in angels, spells, ancient secrets and similar topics, if you are tired of reading certain stories. A very different novel awaits you; The link to my book, which has a very different approach to magic and describes it within the framework of a fictional novel, is below.

The link below gives information about the book and is in English, but the original of this book is in Turkish for now, but it is waiting for someone to translate it into world languages. Who knows, maybe one day a magic will happen :)))




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